About Me

'm a 37 year old mother to 3 wonderful boys, ages 15, 16 and 20. Work part-time as a web designer and in school full-time taking Nursing.

I've been on a weight battle most of my life and constantly contradict most of what I'm going to do and/or change about my current lifestyle.

I smoked for 18 years, quit for 4 - then started back up again approx 6 months ago ... SO pissed off with myself about that.

My weight 4 years ago after MUCH dedication through good old fashioned dieting and exercise was down to a healthy 135 lbs, over the past year and a half I've put a lot of it back on. (My highest was 239lbs!) I'm now weighing in at 173. (Start weight was 182 this time)

Here is a current image of me now =(