Monday, May 10, 2010

Yikes `

What a way to start my morning, coffee, Activia yogurt and yep, half a package of Mr. Noodles. Not good I know. I'm not feeling very well today, was up half the night coughing and keeping everyone awake, and called in sick as well. But trust me, a class full of nursing students don't want to hear my coughing and sneezing in their space!

I picked up some groceries over the weekend, lots of veggies/fruits, etc. Now while I have no problem eating right, I do have a problem being able to afford it regularly. So, I picked up some protein shakes as well to help with those days. Ha.

I'm going to try the following for supper tonight and likely take one to school tomorrow ... this is my version of Chicken Fajita wraps. :) Try at your own risk! Lol
I usually make enough so that I can use some of the chicken with brown rice and veggies the next day or for later on in the week.


Pam spray
2 cloves shredded garlic
1 red and 1 green pepper (strips)
1 Pkg of boneless chicken, cut into strips
2 tsp Chili powder
1 tsp brown sugar
sprinkle of cayenne
whole wheat tortillas
shredded low fat cheese (I use Kraft marble usually)


1. Saute garlic in pan a bit, add chicken and cook till it starts browning.
2. Add chili powder, brown sugar and cayenne.
3. Add peppers, toss and cook till they're the desired 'cookness' LOL
4. Remove from heat ...
5. Place the chicken mixture with a bit of cheese into the tortilla, top with some salsa, slice it in half and EAT!

Yummy! I love these. Sometimes I'll brown the tortilla in the pan, place the mixture on half with cheese, then fold. Very good. (Usually omit the peppers when I do that though.)

Anyway, hoping this is a good week *fingers crossed*


Tricia said...

Sounds yummy. You're right, eating healthy is freaking expensive. If you can get away with making a big batch of something and eating it for lunch all week, it really helps. I've been doing that lately and I'm saving some pretty good scratch...which I need because my car is so extra crappy. This week, it's chili. Oh heartburn!

Jennifer said...

OoOOo chili, sounds good - maybe I'll make some of that this week too. :)

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